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TheMathsFactor Free Trial

TheMathFactor is an online math program for children, developed by Carol Vorderman, a renowned educator and TV personality. With a 21-day free trial, parents can access thousands of interactive math lessons, quizzes and games for children of all ages. T

he program is designed to make math fun and engaging for children, and it has already helped over 100,000 families. With a 14-day money-back guarantee on your first payment, you can try TheMathFactor with peace of mind and see the improvement in your child’s math skills.

child learning mathsfactor

Are you looking for a math learning platform that offers a free trial? Look no further than TheMathsFactor Free Trial! This online tutoring program provides a range of interactive lessons and personalized mathematics courses for children aged 4-11.

With over 1,000 math sessions designed for daily use, your child will have access to video lessons by Carol Vorderman, engaging warm-up activities, and practice exercises. The program also offers math games and printable resources to enhance offline learning. Parents can track their child’s progress through regular report cards and receive valuable tips from Carol Vorderman herself.

The user-friendly learning environment and fun rewards make math learning a breeze. Access TheMathsFactor Free Trial online or through the ActiveLearn Primary platform. Pricing options start at £4.99 per month, and there is also an opportunity to purchase a whole school subscription for £350.


Unleash Your Child’s Potential with TheMathsFactor Free Trial

With TheMathsFactor Free Trial, you can unlock your child’s potential in math through guided practice and personalized lessons. This online education program offers over 1,000 math sessions designed for daily use, catering to children aged 4-11. Each session includes a video by Carol Vorderman, a renowned math expert, to introduce the concept and provide step-by-step guidance.

Start your child’s math learning journey with a warm-up activity that engages their mind and prepares them for the lesson ahead. The program then offers interactive practice exercises, allowing your child to apply their knowledge and strengthen their skills. Whether they need assistance with addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, TheMathsFactor Free Trial provides the necessary support and resources.

What sets TheMathsFactor apart is its personalized approach. It recognizes that every child is unique and learns at their own pace. Through individualized lessons and feedback, your child can progress at a comfortable speed and build confidence in their mathematical abilities. The program also offers math games and printable resources for offline learning, providing a well-rounded and engaging experience.

Key Features of TheMathsFactor Free Trial
Guided practice through over 1,000 math sessions
Personalized lessons tailored to your child’s needs
Interactive exercises and engaging activities
Regular report cards to track progress
Tips and insights from Carol Vorderman

Unlock Your Child’s Mathematical Potential Today

With TheMathsFactor Free Trial, your child can develop a strong foundation in math and excel in their schoolwork. This user-friendly online platform not only makes learning enjoyable but also provides fun rewards to motivate and inspire your child along the way.

Accessing TheMathsFactor Free Trial is easy. You can get started by visiting their website or using the ActiveLearn Primary platform. The program offers flexible pricing options, with monthly subscriptions starting at just £4.99. If you’re an educational institution, there is also the option to purchase a whole school subscription for £350.

Unlock your child’s full potential in math and give them the confidence they need to succeed. Sign up for TheMathsFactor Free Trial today!


Interactive Lessons and Engaging Activities

TheMathsFactor Free Trial offers a variety of interactive lessons and engaging activities to make math learning enjoyable for your child. With over 1,000 math sessions designed for daily use, this online program provides a comprehensive learning experience for children aged 4-11.

Each session begins with a video by Carol Vorderman, a renowned math expert, who introduces the concept in a clear and engaging manner. This is followed by a warm-up activity that helps children get ready for the topic at hand. From there, they can dive into practice exercises that reinforce their understanding and enhance their problem-solving skills.

One of the highlights of TheMathsFactor Free Trial is the inclusion of math games and printable resources. These fun and interactive games not only make learning more enjoyable, but they also provide a hands-on approach that allows children to apply what they have learned in a practical context. The printable resources are perfect for offline learning and provide additional practice opportunities.

Sample Table:

Interactive Lessons and Engaging Activities Benefits
Video lessons by Carol Vorderman Clear and engaging explanations of math concepts
Warm-up activities Prepares children for the topic and promotes active learning
Practice exercises Reinforces understanding and enhances problem-solving skills
Math games Makes learning enjoyable and provides hands-on practice
Printable resources Perfect for offline learning and additional practice

By incorporating interactive lessons, engaging activities, and a user-friendly learning environment, TheMathsFactor Free Trial empowers children to develop confidence in math and achieve their full potential. The program also includes regular report cards for parents to track their child’s progress, along with valuable tips from Carol Vorderman to support their math journey.

To access TheMathsFactor Free Trial, you can visit their website or use the ActiveLearn Primary platform. The program offers flexible pricing options, starting at £4.99 per month, with the option to purchase a whole school subscription for £350. Start your child’s math learning journey today and unlock their mathematical abilities with TheMathsFactor Free Trial!

Track Your Child’s Progress with Regular Report Cards

With TheMathsFactor Free Trial, you can easily track your child’s progress and receive helpful tips from Carol Vorderman. This online math program offers a user-friendly learning environment that allows you to monitor your child’s performance and understand their strengths and areas for improvement.

Parents receive regular report cards that provide detailed insights into their child’s math performance. These report cards highlight their progress, areas of proficiency, and areas that may need additional attention. By tracking your child’s progress, you can effectively support their learning journey and ensure they are mastering key mathematical concepts.

In addition to the report cards, TheMathsFactor Free Trial provides valuable tips and guidance from Carol Vorderman herself. As a renowned math expert, Carol Vorderman shares her expertise and strategies to help your child excel in math. Her tips are tailored to your child’s specific needs, making them even more effective in boosting their math skills.

Example Report Card:

Math Topic Performance Level
Addition and Subtraction Above Average
Multiplication and Division Proficient
Geometry Below Average

The report card provides a clear overview of your child’s progress in different math topics. It allows you to identify areas where your child may need extra support or practice. With this valuable information, you can work together with your child to address any challenges they may be facing and help them reach their full math potential.



Q: Is the free trial of TheMathsFactor available for all age groups?

A: Yes, the free trial is suitable for children aged 4-11.

Q: What does each math session in TheMathsFactor free trial include?

A: Each session includes a video by Carol Vorderman, a warm-up activity, and practice exercises.

Q: Does TheMathsFactor free trial offer offline learning resources?

A: Yes, the program provides math games and printable resources for offline learning.

Q: How do parents track their child’s progress with TheMathsFactor free trial?

A: Parents receive regular report cards and tips from Carol Vorderman to track their child’s progress.

Q: Can TheMathsFactor free trial be accessed through the ActiveLearn Primary platform?

A: Yes, the program can be accessed both online and through the ActiveLearn Primary platform.

Q: What are the pricing options for TheMathsFactor free trial?

A: Pricing starts at £4.99 per month, and there is also an option to purchase a whole school subscription for £350.